Friday, February 23, 2007

I am SOOO hungry!

Whining doesn't seem to work. Barking doesn't seem to work. I needed a new plan and here's what I came up with: I thought that if I lie on her feet, it would be hard for her to pedal the spinning the spinning wheel. Then she'd have to get up and feed me my dinner! At least I'd be between her and the wheel!

Monday, February 12, 2007

what i did this weekend, and what I do all day

Well, the big news this weekend was that I pooped! Yes, it really was big news, but I'll spare you the photos. First I had the runs, then the pukes. They tortured me withheld food from me for the entire day last Tuesday. Then I got rice and cottage cheese to eat, small amounts at first. By Friday I still hadn't pooped, and my sweet new Vet was concerned and said she was going to loose sleep if I didn't poop soon. So we went to see her on and she fed me this yummy caramel tasting goo (that's why she's my new best friend). It is called Cat Lax and will also help me with hairballs! Fortunately I pooped Saturday morning, cuz they were starting to talk about barium x-rays. That would have seriously cut in to my napping time. It didn't, so here's what I did all weekend:

Yep, I'm pretty cute!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We've Been Under the Weather

I haven't been feeling very well since my visit to the kennel. I have always had a delicate constitution. My digestive system can handle gravel, bones, paper, and foil wrappers, but it can't handle a change in my dry dog food. Well, that was what we thought the problem was for the first few days. After I'd been back home a few days and eating my normal food, instead of improving, my digestive system was getting worse.
Yesterday, when I needed to be let out every 30 minutes, starting at 5 am, Daisy decided to take me to the Vet. About 2 hours before our appointment, I puked. That was bad. Daisy had been feeling nauseous and unable to eat for 2 days so, when she went to clean up after me, it was a problem. She puked too. She got it together and took me too the Vet. They were worried that I had a blockage, so Daisy had to watch me closely all evening. She had a class down in Truckee so she took me with and came out to check on me in the truck. When we got home around 10 pm, she let me pee off leash in front of the house. Silly Girl! Just cuz I'd had nothing to eat and had been feeling terrible, didn't mean I wouldn't run away! Poor thing, she'd been unwell, only had saltines and ginger ale all day. She wasn't thinking, but then she found herself walking all around the neighborhood in the dark wearing her headlamp, trying to find me. Obviously she did... eventually. And I'll never tell if I found something to eat, or if I threw up again. I'm doing fine, so no harm, no fowl.

I wasn't given anything to eat anything yesterday! It was a nightmare! I did get drugs, to fight whatever bugs might be messing with me and something to sooth my system. Today I got to eat a little cottage cheese with rice. I'm feeling better, but I'm still not like myself.