Monday, February 12, 2007

what i did this weekend, and what I do all day

Well, the big news this weekend was that I pooped! Yes, it really was big news, but I'll spare you the photos. First I had the runs, then the pukes. They tortured me withheld food from me for the entire day last Tuesday. Then I got rice and cottage cheese to eat, small amounts at first. By Friday I still hadn't pooped, and my sweet new Vet was concerned and said she was going to loose sleep if I didn't poop soon. So we went to see her on and she fed me this yummy caramel tasting goo (that's why she's my new best friend). It is called Cat Lax and will also help me with hairballs! Fortunately I pooped Saturday morning, cuz they were starting to talk about barium x-rays. That would have seriously cut in to my napping time. It didn't, so here's what I did all weekend:

Yep, I'm pretty cute!

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