Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Healthy

Went to the Vet this morning to say "goodbye". She said I'm healthy and so is Denver (well, we have to wait for her "senior" blood panel to be official, but she's a healthy ol' gal). Now Denver and I are all ready for the big move to Tahoe. Daisy thinks I don't know what's going on just because I've never moved before. Denver told me all about it, but I'm not letting on.

The Vet kept calling me a goofball. I don't get it. And, another thing I don't get: why are people always suggesting that my tail should hurt? It happens when I'm obviously happy. Can't they see my tail wagging? I mean, it should be pretty obvious to them, cuz you can hear it smacking against the wall!

Apparently I have acne (blackheads) and Daisy has to go get Stridex Medicated Pads for me. She says its more evidence that I am like a teenage boy. I just don't get the comparison. Mine is on my chest. The Vet says that is something that is often seen in Greyhounds and Great Danes. Daisy loves it, because it supports her working hypothesis that I am part Great Dane. What is a "working hypothesis" anyway? Hopefully we can get my chest all fixed up with the Stridex pads. Otherwise, Daisy wants to wax my chest to prevent the ingrown hairs! That doesn't sound good at all!

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