Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Working Through the Pain

I haven't been able to post in a while... paw trouble. Just to prove I'm not as wimpy as they say I am, I am posting despite my pain. First of all, I got a bit over zealous while fetching the tennis ball and tore up my pads pretty good. It turns out that you can't really slide on the pavement the way you can on snow covered roads. Oops. That had me limping a bit. Then, once it healed and my limp was gone, Tim took me and Denver for a hike. Well, Tim climbed up on a boulder to take a nice picture. Of course I had to follow him. I scrambled my way up, but couldn't really figure out how to stay there. I tried my best to get a good grip on that rock while slipping off it, bit I just couldn't get my nails into it. So much for those pads. I also hurt my leg in the fall. Now I'm limping even worse than before. Tim's been bringing us to work with him, so I'm sure he got advice from the medical crew as he palpated my leg for a break. There doesn't seem to be one, so I'm just favoring it these days. Tim has been working nights, and Daisy's out of town. Since Tim works at least 12 hour shifts (with 1 1/2 hour of total commute) we can't really be left at home. He thinks we'll pee in the house... and we might. Tim set up a nice cozy bed in the back of the truck, which has a top, and he even got a little heater for us. Denver and I have a nice warm little home on wheels, and we get to run around the airport too. It has been quite nice, even for a cold sensitive guy like me. Tomorrow morning we are going to a kennel. I've never been to one, but Denver knows this one well and says that it's like doggie camp. Sounds fun to me! Daisy is supposed to liberate us on Saturday, when she gets back from Washington. I probably wont have internet access at the kennel, so I doubt I'll post again before Saturday.

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